Alpaca and llama stud Farm Cottage industry Gift shop Tea and lunch tours Llama trekking Camping
The stars of the show









Spotto & Miracle

The old, original herd:
Juliet is easy to pick out of the herd because her fine facial features resemble those of her guanaco ancestors. She has a thin face, big eyes and long, luxurious eyelashes. She is an excellent mother and has raised some fine crias.
Definitely our cleanest alpaca. While not entirely averse to decadent dust wallowing behaviour, she is very lady-like and always seems to be several shades whiter than any of her peers. Hannah has the sweetest nature and the best fleece of all our girls.
Felicity (AKA Bluey)
One of our older girls. Quite gentle and tractable. She acquired her nickname as a result of contracting conjunctivitis in her right eye, which required regular applications of bright blue Terramycin spray.
Our "babies":
Born 2017
Nymph (Mother: Hermione, Father: Galaxy)
Nick (Mother: Jalanda, Father: Galaxy) Nick is a goofy wethered male alpaca whose fleece grows uncontrollably.
Born 2018
Olympia (Mother: Juliet, Father: Galaxy) Olympia has been a feisty, confident girl from the day she was born.
(Mother: Topaz, Father: Jericho) Oscar is our miracle baby: born to Topaz who was way too old to have a cria, he was orphaned at six weeks, but survived unassisted. A very hardy fellow, easily distinguished by a slightly pinkish-fawn tinge to his fleece.
Born 2019
Paula (Mother: Hannah, Father: Jericho)
Born 2021
Rhys (Mother: Juliet, Father: Jericho)
Born 2022
Sam (Mother: Hannah, Father: Jericho)
Sam is our new stud male. He's not old enough to be active yet, but he shows great promise.
Sophie (Mother: Nancy, Father: Jericho)
Born 2024
Ulysses (Mother: Paula, Father: Jackaroo, stud male from Natameri Alpacas)
Ulysses is our first black alpaca.
Our newly-acquired females
The Llamas, huarizos and other wethered males
One of our trekking llamas. Very friendly and cute. Noted for his attractive markings and his different coloured eyes (one brown, one blue)
A big, flighty, good-natured wethered male, also a trekking llama.
Our big, goofy pack llama. A good-natured wethered male.
Our stud female llama.
(Mother: Cal, Father: Odie) Otto is our stud male llama and was the first llama to be born on our property (2019). The rest of his body is currently catching up with his ears.
(Mother: Sarina, Father: Willie) Spotto is one of our prettiest animals. A second generation huarizo, she is one part alpaca and three parts llama. A very unusual girl.
Miracle(Mother: Spotto, Father: Otto) Spotto is almost identical to her mother. A third generation huarizo, she is one part alpaca and seven parts llama.
Waylon is a wethered male alpaca who has lived most of his life with llamas and thinks he is one.
A retired guard alpaca. He is a sweet-natured big boy with shaggy suri fleece.
More to come soon ...